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by (5,796 points)
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We all know that Demona lies as a challenging hunting option for powerful players that know how to guide themselves through the incredible maze on the underground of Fields of Glory. But what about the monsters and places that exist over there? I know for example that we have two Dragon Lords there... What about other mysteries that may exist over there on the giant labyrinth? Which are the other creatures that we may find and where we can find them exactly? How do we guide themselves and can we find a complete list of mysteries discovered there?

Remember that the place is very complex to explore, so you really need to know where you are stepping. More specifically, the motive is because the enormous cavern possesses several holes where once you get through you can't go back from where you came from.

I know about a enigmatic note regarding snake enchantment at some place if you play a flute, on a determined dungeon part... I also heard about a Treasure Room existing there, but I simply cannot find any other information about it for now. I would like to know if it is a real or a hoax that I heard about this treasure room.... I simply can't remember about this specific treasure room.

by (355 points)
As you said it yourself, it's a "challenging hunting option for powerful players".
Prepare yourself for the most unusual of challenges, don't forget basic needs as food, magic damage maybe you find ghosts, a full toolset, pick, shovel, rope, scythe, prepare well and expect the unexpected.
Don't forget to have fun while at it~

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,796 points)
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Best answer

EDIT (16/11/2018):

This awesome website published an amazing recent article regarding this question right here made by me several weeks ago. It was the first time that someone had made such detailed map over there, with all creatures location being specified, rather than a simple list of what exists there:


First Floor of MOLS:

Spawns do primeiro andar de MoLS.

Second Floor of MOLS:

Spawns do segundo andar de MoLS.

Third Floor of MOLS:

Spawns do terceiro andar de MoLS.

Fourth Floor of MOLS:

Spawns do quarto andar de MoLS.

Curiously, the work made by this fan concluded that even the two biggest wikis existent today are lacking some monsters mentions! Both biggest Tibia wikis aren't citing the Orc Spearman on MOLS, and also the mention of the creature  Wolf isn't being exhibited on the Brazilian Wiki!

The article is amazing, filled with information that I never saw being actively discussed anywhere else. The images above answered my question, but I invite you to check out this big article!

Apart from what is mentioned about creatures mysterious places and locations were discussed. as I asked it in order to understand the basic of it, I can highlight that it is mentioned about the several small stones there scattered around, several stalagmites and the presence of the water on the cave, the "big energy bomb" trap, the mysterious magic wall, the two human corpses that cannot be reached, the bodies of dead trolls and the another famous basket with the note mentioning about playing a flute for snake enchantment (this one is my favorite mystery). There is no conclusive answer on what these things can possibly mean (if they mean something at all), but I found very nice to see all of these interesting mysteries reunited.

Possível referência da Griffin Shield Quest (Grifos x Basilisks).

By the way, the creator of the fansite above also showed the Treasure Room that I questioned. Very cool to see it finally! I literally have no idea if I had seen this before!

Tesouro de MoLS.

Congratulation @Orothrez for the amazing exploration done!!!



Well, here is a good map about the whole place, but without any specific location signaled. It also includes Demona location. Guiding there can be troublesome. I would say that going with a friend covering the place with you can surely help. More detailed marks and tutorials should be done there, appointing mysteries, allusions and correct monsters locations there.


Here is the list of powerful creatures available there. You can find two Dragon Lords over there as well. They are interesting to face if you want an easy Respawn without many people around. Probably it got even better to hunt there with the permanent increment on Respawn speed on Tibia, and also it can be lightning fast during the Rapid Respawn Weekends.

0 votes
by (7,037 points)
Dont forget the tool map:


Can use to move in all floors up/down.
by (5,796 points)
Cool tool! Thanks!