+2 votes
by (17,406 points)

When I hunt Glooth Bandits I notice sometimes there's a few Walkers but very rarely. How can I complete this bestiary? Do you know of a good spawn or how the spawn works? ...I just cannot believe we need 1000 of them x.x


1 Answer

+3 votes
by (4,384 points)
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The best way to complete them is at South Raid, in Oramond.


During the Raid there is a good amount of walkers :)

If you're a high level EK, it can be easy to go solo in this raid.

But if you're a mage I'd recommend you to be a bit more careful :|


There also may be some of them respawning here, on the yellow circles (this is not a fixed respawn of walkers, is more like a walker raid):

And also 1-3 at Oramond Tower, but underground :)

by (1,322 points)
Nice info. Regarding the ones in yellow plus one a bit way to the north, I think they are part of a rotative spawn that shows up after killing three times the mobs that roam there, rather than a raid, so you can trigger their appearance.