+2 votes
by (4,451 points)
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I seen some people are asking others to report their name because they want to change it. Is it even legal? It's like a name change but for free. Do you think  it can be blocked somehow or they can do it all the time when they are already bored of their current name? How many reports they need to get to make a namelock?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,425 points)
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I have a character that had gotten name locked numerous times in the past (over 4 years ago) I will show these examples after I receive a ticket back from cipsoft as I cannot find it on my account page anymore or emails. I did however find an email about a different character name that got name locked in the past which proves cipsoft has the ability to stop you from getting name locked in the future. However, I will submit to you the response about my other character whom got namelocked twice as soon as I get the reply (can't find any emails as it was a while ago) It only takes one report to get a name lock and CIPSOFT does have the ability to stop you from getting name locked again.

 If your character has been reported for a name that violates the Tibia Rules, you need to acknowledge this namelock.

  • Log into your account and click on the corresponding entry in the rule violation record.
  • As soon as the namelock is acknowledged, your namelocked character will receive a randomly generated character name. You can now keep on playing with this character.
  • You can keep the randomly generated name or propose a new valid name.
  • Click on "Rename Character" in the rule violation record section on your account page. The new name will be forwarded to CipSoft for evaluation. If the new name is valid, it will be accepted and the character can play with the new name. Please note, however, if you have proposed 3 invalid new names, your character will stay with the randomly generated name.

