+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
I'm curious as to how to know how many rares are out there? Could it be that CIP keeps track of this somehow possibly could it be that we just don't know and we're going based off of what's shown in the public eye? Maybe there's a fansite with this type of tool?

This is a question that haunts me because I really want to know how much of each rare item there is. Whether it would be a Fansite item or simply a Golden Helmet.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (4,451 points)
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Best answer

There is no any website  or tool which doing that. I think cipsoft can check how many items is in tibia but I don't think they are doing that. For example they even know how many steps made each character on fire etc. I know that because I wrote an email to cipsoft with a question about my main character when I was doing firewalker achievement. They easily answered me how many steps I did on all floors - underwater/swimming/fire.

We can know how many rare items are in Tibia only by seeing it in public. Sometimes on the websites like TibiaFandom it's written how many of items were made. EXAMPLE

by (17,406 points)
I already picked your answer as the best answer because it is complete and acurrate. Also thank you for informing about the tip of "how many squares did I walk on x" Maybe if I email CIP they could tell me more but I highly doubt it
by (4,451 points)
It's possible that they know about all items. So it's always worth to try :)