–1 vote
by (2,865 points)
I want to start using imbuements in my paladin, but I don't know what are the best imbuements for me. So what is indispensable?
by (4,384 points)
Please when asking questions like this, give us more information.
Imbuements depend A LOT on your level and where you will hunt...

So, there is no way to answer that question if we don't know what do you plan to do, each situation requires a very specific set of equipments / preys / imbuements, etc....

For an example, imbuements for a level 100 paladin that will hunt grim reapers on fire walls 1x1 are COMPLETELY different from Imbuements that a 700 RP will use when hunting Fire Library with 4 voc which are COMPLETELY different from imbuements a 400 RP will use if hunting Winter Court Elfs, etc.....

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,850 points)
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Best answer
Indispensable imbuement for paladin is ofc Mana Leech and Critical Dmg, Life leech depends if u block monsters or If they attack from distance. If u have enough money or items u can add there Skill boost to helmet with Mana leech.

Later life leech is obligatory for high levels but on 50-120 u can use just Crit and mana.
+2 votes
by (544 points)
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Critical, Vampirism, and Void are always essential for Paladins. To complete your imbuements you will use some element def at armor and Precision at your helmet.

For bosses you can use precision also at your crossbow.