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by (17,410 points)

Tremor Worm

I've personally never killed the Tremor Worm at Oramond Raids however, I always see it. I just wonder how many people it takes to kill this thing because it disappears before I can even do anything lol.

Tremor Worm

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
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Okay, so my answer will be based on my own experience.

To kill Tremor Worm you have to go on -2 level of Glooth Factory to the west, during Wildlife raid and stand here. This place is the best not because it's near to the entrance, but there is almost none of monsters even during raids so you're quite safe even on lower level. Now you have to stand here and wait for the boss, because it appears for a moment and dissapears in a few places around.

You can kill this boss even solo. I killed Tremor Worm on level 400 (Elder Druid) without any summon, using only waves and SDs. The problem is that it took me around 2 hours. So the conclusion is that the more people, the better. Vocations and levels are not so important.

by (17,410 points)
2 hrs...omg......the patience. O_O How much did you waste?
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by (4,336 points)
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Best answer

Tremor Worm is located on the second floor underground of Underground Glooth Factory (west side), only during a raid. Closes place to entrance is here. Every 10 seconds it will vanish and appear in another location. It can however appear several times in a row in the same place.


Stay in one place and don't waste time running around the spawn. Make sure you stay alert to attack it when it spawns. Mages should summon Fire Elementals or Fire Devils, and all players above level 200 should use their ultimate summon. The recommended number of people to kill a monster is a minimum of 6 people. You can kill it by two people but it take too long.



by (17,410 points)
6 people any vocations?
by (4,336 points)
In my opinion Ed/Ms is good choice because the best damage you can make by using: Frigo, Vis and Terra.
by (17,410 points)
Cool thanks :)