Here is a list of creatures dropping silver tokens:
Green are the "easy" ones who can get killed easily, Red are the ones who drop (in my opinion) good other items (I need). Both is just my side of the gameplay, so maybe others would recommend other creatures. Also these are just examples and depending on level!!
- Alptramun
- Ancient Spawn of Morgathla
- Black Vixen
- Bloodback
- Count Vlarkorh
- Darkfang
- Duke Krule
- Earl Osam
- Essence of Malice
- Ferumbras Mortal Shell
- Izcandar Champion of Summer / Winter
- Iscandar the Banished
- King Zelos
- Kroazur (also easy Solo)
- Lady Tenebris (f. e. Book of Lies)
- Lloyd
- Lord Azaram
- Malofur Mangrinder
- Maxxenius
- Mazoran
- Melting Frozen Horror
- Plagirath
- Plagueroot
- Ragiaz
- Ravennous Hunger
- Razzagorn
- Scarlett Etzel
- Sharpclaw
- Shulgrax
- Sir Baeloc
- Soul of Dragonking Zyrtarch
- Tarbaz
- The Baron from Below
- The Count of the Core
- The Enraged Thorn Knight
- The False God
- The Nightmare Beast
- The Sandking
- The Scourge of Oblivion
- The Souldespoiler
- The Source of Corruption
- The Time Guardian (f. e. Phoenix Shield)
- The Unarmored Voidborn
- Urmahlullu the Weakened
- Zamulosh (f. e. Book of Lies)
Here is a list of creatures dropping gold tokens:
Here I kill the same as at Silver Tokens.
- Alptramun
- Ancient Spawn of Morgathla
- Anomaly
- Eradicator
- Essence of Malice
- Izcandar Champion of Summer / Winter
- Izcandar the Banished
- King Zelos
- Kroazur
- Lady Tenebris
- Lloyd
- Malofur Mangrinder
- Maxxenius
- Melting Frozen Horror
- Outburst
- Plagueroot
- Ravennous Hunger
- Realityquake
- Rupture
- Soul of Dragonking
- Zyrtarch
- The Count of the Coure
- The Duke of the Depths
- The Enraged Thorn Knight
- The False God
- The Last Lore Keeper
- The Nightmare Beast
- The Sandking
- The Scourge of Oblivion
- The Souldespoiler
- The Source of Corruption
- The Time Guardian
- The Unarmored Voidborn
- World Devourer
Source: Tibia Wiki and my own experience.