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by (17,406 points)
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A flower pot is what you get for exchanging 5 Seeds during Flower Month to the NPC RosemarieI have some indoor plants I'd like to know all the types you can get and what are the chances of getting each particular plant?

EDIT: I wanted to edit the question name to sound a little clearer, thanks for understanding.

by (5,051 points)
Actualy the only seed you can put on an empty pot are ice flower seeds, and you always get the Ice flower as final plant. The other ones you get by exchange 5 seeds by an flower pot.
About the chances there are not info about it, but the ones I have calculated  from the ones I had are like 65% grown lizard tongue plant, 15% dryad's heard flower, 10% midnight bloom flower, 5% grown ember flower, and low low chances of fairy dancer and finger snapper.
by (17,406 points)
thanks for your response, i do appreciate u telling me the percentages from your experience! also i did edit my question to sound clearer thanks to you too^^ thank youu!
by (2,271 points)
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@Beix Do you know the number of pot plants you tried to grow?
by (5,051 points)
Well I did my maths with the flowers I had on that time (december 2019), but  nowI cant remember the exact number. I guess I have over 3 bps of flowers probably, so up to 50-60.

1 Answer

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by (4,311 points)
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Best answer

The plants you can get from exchanging an empty flower pot + 5 seeds with NPC Rosemarie during Flower Month (June) is:

Unused flower 09 dryad's heart flower

Unused flower 07 lizard tongue plant

Unused flower 10 midnight bloom flower

Unused flower 11 ember queen flower

Finger Snapper (4th Stadium) finger snapper plant

Fairy Dancer fairy dancer flower

Fun fact, there's a mini world change called Thawing where sometimes there's Ice Flowers in Svargrond that can be harvested. When harvesting these plants you get Ice Flower Seeds in which if you use an empty flower pot you get to grow a Flower Pot (Winterblossom) winterblossom plant or if you use it on another flower pot that plant will not need to be watered anymore and will not wither in your house, backpack, depot or anywhere for that matter.

I didn't find information about % of getting each flower.

by (17,406 points)
ty ill b waiting
by (4,384 points)
Actually, you cannot get WINTERBLOSSOM by exchanging 5 seeds in June, you get it by manually using the seeds in a flower pot, and you dont have to water it
by (2,271 points)
Everyone I've talked to has told me of never getting a WinterBlossom plant from Rosemarie. Only from empty flower pots. Couldn't find anything mentioned about it from except from the wiki. Can you give any other source?
by (17,406 points)
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I've never ever got a flower pot from her with a winter blossom in it, it's not possible in my eyes and I've done this even many years. It's only possible from the seeds during The Thawing mini world change where there's Ice Flowers in Svargrond where you can get the seeds from them when ready to be harvested. Edited his answer to reflect this information... as I don't like misinformation either. I'm sure he didn't mean it.