+1 vote
by (5,689 points)

Today Skeleton Warrior is boosted and today is rapid. I killed +200 monsters and idk where, but I need end my bestiary.  I search the internet and see only places with 3-5monsters, where I can find good spot for make this bestiary?

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (45 points)

Hello Tynusiiaa!
Carlin "Ghost land"

This is the best place to finish that bestiary in 25 minutes on rapid respawn day.

You can put some fire bombs there, on surface and in hole around that spot.
Definitely the fastest way ever.

+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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The best place for Skeleton Warriors in my opinion is in Vampires near Edron Dragon Lair. Please see picture below for where it's located (in the yellow circle). You just go downstairs in the cave and on -1 there's 4 Skeleton Warriors then on -2 there's 13 Skeleton Warriors. The total should be 17 Skeleton Warriors!

+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

I made whole bestiary on Skeleton Worrior when I was checking Tyrn on Drefia (I just killed the way). You can find a lot of them near northern entrance and on lower level.

I suggest to kill all low-hp monsters around (to make extra bestiary) and just throw a fire-bombs on Skeletons Warrior respawn :)


The best place to finish Skeleton Warrior bestiary are higher levels on the way to the Undead Dragon boss - Zorvorax during The First Dragon world event!

by (4,451 points)
Yes, you were right, i made a mistake :(
by (6,736 points)
No problem :D  I just made this bestiary today, that's why I noticed.