+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
What Ii know is that I need to loot some items and make quest? Which items exactly do I need? And which quest or missions i need to make to get full outfit? Is there also achievement for this outfit?

1 Answer

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by (4,336 points)
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For base outfit: Outfit Dream Warden FemaleOutfit Dream Warden Male

You need acces to Npc Eruaran (server must have killed Gaz'haragoth on the central mountain)

You have to finish 4 missions in Roshamuul Quest

- Mend What's Broken

- A Cup Of Tea

 - Ancient Dreams

- Waters Of Life

Talk with Npc Eruaran Hi/Outfit/Yes/Base

For first addon you need: Outfit Dream Warden Female Addon 1Outfit Dream Warden Male Addon 1

Dream_Warden_Mask Dream Warden Mask (lootable from: Gaz'Haragoth, Horadron, Omrafir, Prince Drazzak, Terofar, Zavarash)

Talk with Npc Eruaran Hi/Outfit/Yes/Mask

For secound addon (you can only do this addon after first addon) you need: Outfit Dream Warden Female Addon 2Outfit Dream Warden Male Addon 2

 Dream_Warden_Claw Dream Warden Claw (you can get it by using Unrealized Dream Unrealized Dream)

Talk with Npc Eruaran Hi/Outfit/Yes/Claw

For full outfit you will gain achievement "Dream Warden"

by (4,451 points)
Gaz'haragoth doesn't spawn on the mountain or am i wrong?
by (4,311 points)
First time he spawns at the mountain, after beeing killed for the first time he starts to spawn at prision