+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
Hello dear Tibians!

I'm looking for some stuff to decorate my house and I saw theses two Teddy's at my neighbors house, since they look pretty cool I'm very interested to get them. I know the Nightmare Teddy spawn at Nightmare Isle, but during the whole time I've hunted there I never found it. The Torn Teddy I have no idea.

So my question is: Where and how can I obtain these two Teddy's? Can I obtain just one per character?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (5,689 points)
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1. Nightmare Teddy on Mini World Change – Nightmare Isles. Portal might be in one of three spots.

and here is way :)

Must be cerful because many Retching HorrorsChoking FearsSilencers in this place. When we get to the last room, we'll find there x6 TerrorsleepTo claim the reward we must deal the highest damage to these monsters.

2. Torn Teddy  from Mini World Change - Bored.

You must bring Blood Herb  to NPC Wetlands west of Venore (Green Claw Swamp). Then you have the chance to get the teddy and achievement "Torn Treasures". Unfortunately, sometimes you have to try several times before get a teddy bear. I succeeded for the third time.

by (5,046 points)
to save a little of time: In the respawn nº 5 of nightmare island, instead of going to the tp of the east, if you go to the tp of the south, you appear directly in the respawn nº 7