+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
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Hello Dear Tibians!

Today I'm here to ask you with class melee (Axe, Club, Sword) has a big variation of weapons available to the warrios use it? How many of them are elemental weapons and of which element?

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Clubs its actually the one with the most options avaiable with a total of 114 options avaiable

Abyss Hammer
Amber Staff
Arcane Staff
Banana Staff
Battle Hammer
Blessed Sceptre
Bone Club
Brutetamer's Staff
Chaos Mace
Clerical Mace
Club of the Fury
Cobra Club
Cranial Basher
Crude Umbral Hammer
Crude Umbral Mace
Crystal Mace
Daramian Mace
Dark Trinity Mace
Deepling Squelcher
Deepling Staff
Diamond Sceptre
Dragon Hammer
Dragonbone Staff
Earth Basher Replica
Earth Cleric Mace Replica
Earth Crystal Mace Replica
Earth Orcish Maul Replica
Earth War Hammer Replica
Enchanted Staff
Energized Demonbone
Energy Basher Replica
Energy Cleric Mace Replica
Energy Mace Replica
Energy Orcish Maul Replica
Energy War Hammer Replica
Falcon Mace
Ferumbras' Staff (Blunt)
Fiery Basher Replica
Fiery Clerical Mace Replica
Fiery Crystal Mace Replica
Fiery Orcish Maul Replica
Fiery War Hammer Replica
Furry Club
Giant Smithhammer
Glooth Club
Glooth Whip
Glutton's Mace
Hammer of Destruction
Hammer of Prophecy
Hammer of Wrath
Heavy Mace
Icy Clerical Mace Replica
Icy Cranial Basher Replica
Icy Crystal Mace Replica
Icy Orcish Maul Replica
Icy War Hammer Replica
Iron Hammer
Jade Hammer
Lich Staff
Life Preserver
Light Mace
Lunar Staff
Mace of Destruction
Mallet Handle
Mammoth Whopper
Metal Bat
Moohtant Cudgel
Morning Star
Mortal Mace
Mycological Mace
Northern Star
Obsidian Truncheon
Ogre Klubba
One Hit Wonder
Onyx Flail
Orcish Maul
Ornate Mace
Pair of Iron Fists
Queen's Sceptre
Rotten Demonbone
Sapphire Hammer
Shadow Sceptre
Silver Mace
Skull Staff
Snake God's Sceptre
Spiked Squelcher
Spiky Club
Stale Bread of Ancientness
Strange Mallet
Studded Club
Sulphurous Demonbone
Swampling Club
Taurus Mace
The Stomper
Thunder Hammer
Umbral Hammer
Umbral Mace
by (5,070 points)
Unliving Demonbone
War Hammer
Zathroth' Redeemer

This are also clubs but for space I couldnt add it on the answer
+1 vote
by (1,351 points)
Considering only the relevant weapons swords have a bigger variety of elemental weapons to use.

Until level 120 every type will use nearly the same weapons. Svargrond arena rewards, them Ani weapons for sword / axe following by Inq weapons and finally Warzone weapons. After that there is a GAP until the destruction weapons. Most of the weapons there are rare and owned only as a decoration.

After level 200+ Sword is the type of weapon that offer the most variety of elemental weapons while being affordable. Axe has the strongest weapons but with only two elements.