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by (1,351 points)
Why does Scarlett stops when you use Galthen armor? How are they related and what are their history with the cobra bastion?

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"The Order of the Cobra" Compendium
(by an unknown chronicler)

I - Exile

The later Cobra order was one of three knightly successor orders, founded by the Etzels under King Xenom. After the falling out with the King, the members of Scarlett Etzel's order left their home town Edron to travel south. They went out to look for artefacts in Darama on a quest to destroy evil in all its forms. Searching and destroying black magic and curses flowed into all kinds of relics aeons ago. Under Xenom, Scarlett was known as unrelenting but righteous as well. She helped the order gain recognition and repute, even in exile. She enjoyed utmost respected and had a good standing among all members of the order. First of all, Galthen, her biggest critic and best tactictian all the same. Scarlett's signature tactics of classic warfare, honourable battles and campaigns with flying colours shaped the order in the first time. On her quest, the knights confronted evil ambitiously and virtuously cared for everyone in need. All at the group's expense, however. Scarce rations where shared with the hungry, leaving the felwowship unfit at times. Selfless and heroical actions took a toll on the now dwindling numbers of the order. Scarlett's campaign was also a thankful target for highwaymen, murderers and wild creatures. Galthen was the only one able to challenge Scarlett and often critisised her ways as too dangerous and brash. More often than once she listened to him, but not in this matter. She was determined to lead her group to the great goals she set way back in Edron. After years of campaigns, battles and shared aspiration, Galthen and Scarlett where bonded by more than hirarchy and their functions within the order. Yet neither Galthen nor Scarlett ever confessed their love to each other. Too important the cause, always too short of time. And so he stood up to her for more than half a decade. Despite his hefty attacks against her strategy, she could always rely on him and count on his spirit and expertise.

"The Order of the Cobra" Compendium
(by an unknown chronicler)

I - Exile

The later Cobra order was one of three knightly successor orders, founded by the Etzels under King Xenom. After the falling out with the King, the members of Scarlett Etzel's order left their home town Edron to travel south. They went out to look for artefacts in Darama on a quest to destroy evil in all its forms. Searching and destroying black magic and curses flowed into all kinds of relics aeons ago. Under Xenom, Scarlett was known as unrelenting but righteous as well. She helped the order gain recognition and repute, even in exile. She enjoyed utmost respected and had a good standing among all members of the order. First of all, Galthen, her biggest critic and best tactictian all the same. Scarlett's signature tactics of classic warfare, honourable battles and campaigns with flying colours shaped the order in the first time. On her quest, the knights confronted evil ambitiously and virtuously cared for everyone in need. All at the group's expense, however. Scarce rations where shared with the hungry, leaving the felwowship unfit at times. Selfless and heroical actions took a toll on the now dwindling numbers of the order. Scarlett's campaign was also a thankful target for highwaymen, murderers and wild creatures. Galthen was the only one able to challenge Scarlett and often critisised her ways as too dangerous and brash. More often than once she listened to him, but not in this matter. She was determined to lead her group to the great goals she set way back in Edron. After years of campaigns, battles and shared aspiration, Galthen and Scarlett where bonded by more than hirarchy and their functions within the order. Yet neither Galthen nor Scarlett ever confessed their love to each other. Too important the cause, always too short of time. And so he stood up to her for more than half a decade. Despite his hefty attacks against her strategy, she could always rely on him and count on his spirit and expertise.

"The Order of the Cobra" Compendium
(by an unknown chronicler)

II - Downfall

Ancient guardians of long forgotten cults, powerful secret societies and remnants of lost civilisations crossed their path on the quest to track down cursed relics. When they reached such an artefact, it was destroyed without hesitation. Their resources were always scarce, support from the king was not to be expected anymore. Aquired treasure and burial objects were traded for food and equipment. Two failures in short sequence forced them to pause and stop the undertaking. Resulting disputes between Galthen and Scarlett ended in night long fights without a conclusion. Moral within the whole group rapidly declined. Galthen demanded a departure onto the defensive, remain hidden and focussing on the enemy's weaknesses. Choose only the battles the group can actually handle and let others take care of the rest. Galthen's views were nothing short of treason to Scarlett's ears but she saw wisdom in them. She would never have the heart to banish him from the order and why should she. In the course of a remarkably cold night and after a hefty debate, Galthen disappears without a trace. The order's morals have already sunken so low, that the remaining knights assumed Galthen had resignated in consequence of the ongoing discords. The long, stale period of stagnation lead to resentment and boredom among the nights. Eventually a small group of renegade knights forms to confront Scarlett. When the debate fatally escalates, only a hand full of loyal knights is left to challenge the renegades. One of them loses his life in the process, the others were expelled from the order. Scarlett thanked the loyal men but when she saw their empty eyes, tired and walking outside her tent almost emotionless, she felt more lonely than ever before.

In hope of Galthen's return and to boost morale, Scarlett decided to change tactics. The fellowship splits up, goes into hiding. Scarlett now not only looks for artefacts but first of all her supreme commander. The search remains fruitless, however. Years of wasted efforts make her better and reckless. Instead of abandoning this goal, she starts recruiting new and more 'suited' members for her order. A dangerous mix of ragtag bandits, hedge knightsm mercenaries and assassins. Principles and good resolutions start to blur, clear black and white becomes murky grey. Asymmetric partisan tactics and dirty tricks now enter the arsenal of the once righteous order.

"The Order of the Cobra" Compendium
(by an unknown chronicler)

III - Rise of the Cobra

When Scarlett discovers a powerful amulet in a nameless crypt, the old order is already in shambles. Inside the tomb, next to the sarcophagus of a nameless entity, several burial objects and memorabilia of long forgotten generations, the sculpture of a cobra sits firmly, the amulet draped prominently on top of it. An inscription at the bottom of the sculpture warns: "The bearer of this amulet will command the gaze, the resilience and deadliness of the cobra. Yet what firmly has its place in the heart of its wearer, the cobra will conceal." Taking the amulett, Scarlett is instantly overwhelmed by its grasp and the power it holds within. At this point she is already too weak to destroy it according to her own codex. The dodgy bunch of bandits and assassins she now calls her allies is far from a sworn fellowship. Most of them of dubious morals, full of fear and acting more on their own behalf than that of the group. Thus, noone can muster enough courage to challenge her as she puts on the amulet. The gaze of the cobra allows the wearer to see through the material plane into infinite distance. With the help of this artefact's powers, any attackers, thieves and whoever will stand in her way, shall be easy prey for Scarlett.

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by (7,037 points)

"The Order of the Cobra" Compendium
(by an unknown chronicler)

IV - Order of the Cobra

An extraordinarily successful year for Scarlett and her followers follows. Under the symbol of the cobra, the order now raids tombs, temples and crypts dishonourably for artefacts and burial objects. Artefacts are simply sold instead of being destroyed. She will not find a trace of Galthen during this time. Scarlett and her remaining knights decide to occupy an abandoned bastion at the eastern shores of the Darama desert. They operate solely from the shadows from that time on. With the power of the amulet, Scarlett can now see all attackes through obstacles and in any cranny. Her body is now imune against every kind of poison, sickness or decay. Her unnaturally long life makes the cobra order grow constantly. Recrutes are found in the underground. Where they whisper of Scarlett and the Cobras in the south. Which plunders and hoards, promising riches and power beyond all imagination. These promises and the legendary power of the Cobra, which is carried on in the murky, sordid Taverns and dark corners of Tibia, provides never ending supplies and new blood.

In her desperation, Scarett will never interpret the warning of the cursed amulet. The cursed artefact now ensures that she can see everything except the thing, she carries deep in her heart. And so Scarlett still looks for Galthen, all-seeing except for the one of whom she yearns so much.

  • Galthen's Chestplate Galthen's Chestplate is a memory from her love, so she get shocked and that's why she stop moving by 2 seconds.