+1 vote
by (1,322 points)
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Say you use the powder on a character and you end up with a colour you were not expecting, is it possible to change it anyhow, or are you stuck with that colour for the entire duration of the event?

I guess the answer is that it cannot be changed, but I wanted to confirm.

Thanks in advance!

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,311 points)
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Yes you are right. Since you used a powder color you are not able to change it. I highly recommend make a group and reunite the right colors before use it, because if you use any other character can mix a color with you.
+2 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Best answer

Once you are marked with a colour, you need to find another player who is marked with a different colour and use your remaining powder on him or be used on by his remaining powder.

Once a player both uses a full powder, and the remaining powder on another player, that player joins the wizard of the colours combined. If they hadn't already received it, they will also receive the achievement I Did My Part.

Diagram showing the rules of the event.

To fast answer your question, nope you cant change colour , I added you that diagram as an addition to help you in the event.


+2 votes
by (7,037 points)

In short answer: No.

When you use your color in another character you gonna combined both colors and it paint you in one of three colors.

Strange Blue Powder.gif Strange Blue Powder + Strange Yellow Powder.gif Strange Yellow Powder = GREEN

Strange Yellow Powder.gif Strange Yellow Powder + Strange Red Powder.gif Strange Red Powder = ORANGE

Strange Red Powder.gif Strange Red Powder + Strange Blue Powder.gif Strange Blue Powder = PURPLE

The color gonna appear in your Server Log.

Once you got one of the three colors (GREENORANGE or PURPLE), there is no way to change it. 

So, if you want support the one of the GREENORANGE or PURPLE colors, try to coordinate with friends to know what color need use each.
