0 votes
by (11 points)
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Need to get the necromancer task done! Not sure whether Drefia was best or perhaps one of the tombs in Ank.

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (74 points)

There is a great spawn of necromancers at medusa shield quest. You can get there that way:

+1 vote
by (544 points)
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I like necros at Magician Quarter at Yalahar. There you can hunt at the right side. If you overkill the respawn you can hunt at the left side too but there are Gozzlers there.
0 votes
by (17,410 points)

I personally love the Necromancers in Yalahar *Magician Quarter* (Near Hellspawns and near Magicians). It's a chill place with lots of Necromancers you don't have to worry about Demon Skeletons or the walking distance isn't so bad either. You also can AFK if you need to take a break!

Please watch the video to get a better idea of the hunting area.


