+2 votes
by (4,311 points)
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What do I have to do to get this outfit? Can I buy it from Store?

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,355 points)

Great answers already!
I would just like to point out that the cheapest way to get this outfit along with the addons is if the accounts that you are recruting purchase 10 day premium! This is the way I did it (up to the first addon)


This is a one time limit only per account! It is only available from the Webshop & its only available for an account that has never been premium before!

So simply just recruit 10 friends (or yourself if you want to create the accounts), then purchase 10 day pacc on them & there you go, enjoy! :)

+1 vote
by (358 points)
You could, as others pointed out here, invite your friends through the Tell-A-Friend system found on your account page on tibia.com and if one buy something in the webshop, be it premium time or tibia coins, you will get the outfit, and keep doing this and you will eventually also unlock the addons. The progress is also found on your tibia.com account page.

OR, you could do it the simple way, send yourself the invitation link, use it to create an account, buy x amount of tibia coins and transfer them to your main. voilà, you're now 1 step closer to the full outfit and you got the tibia coins on your main account.
by (4,311 points)
Well think xD
0 votes
by (3,788 points)
The recruiter outfit is only obtainable as a reward in the Tell-a-friend system so to get the outfit you need to invite new players or old players to return to the game and if that player buy something in the store you receive the outfit...
0 votes
by (7,016 points)
selected by
Best answer

The outfit was added as part of a promotion by CipSoft. You can obtain it as a reward if one of your friends invited by you via Invite New Players feature buys something in the Store. If three of your invited friends buy a product in the Store, you will receive the First Addon, if ten of your invited friends buy a product in the Store, you will receive the Second Addon. The outfit and addons will be available to all characters on your account, you don't have to assign them to a specific character.

Upon earning the full outfit, players used to earn the achievement The More the Merrier. However, this achievement was removed from the game.
