+4 votes
by (1,322 points)
As the question says, which was the first boss created in the game?

Could you supply additional data, in regards to how hard it was to kill, its loot, its respawn rate and lore around it?

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (358 points)
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Best answer

I guess it depends on how you define a boss. Ferumbras appeared as early as 2000/2001 and was controlled by the Cipsoft member Durin, in 2001 he appeared in the form of a lvl 145 sorcerer. Aside from being an extremely powerful mage, he also had the ability to summon very tough creatures, such as dragons and warlocks, and during the attacks he would often take on the appearance of a demon.

He would attack Thais on a daily basis, and leave a trail of bodies in his wake. but after a few days our heroes figured out how to defeat him.The final battle was in Plains of Havoc - where Ferumbras ultimately met his demise. Until he appeared as a boss again, in the current form as we know him today, for the first time in August 2006 on Eternia.

I have no idea what he dropped, or if he dropped anything at all. I know there were some very rare spell runes that were said to have dropped from Ferumbras, but I don't know whetever or not they were from this battle.

Here you can see some screenshots of the encounter: http://www.tibia-alumni-society.net/cobalt-tower/Screenshots/ferumbras.html

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Ferumbras

by (1,322 points)
Thank you, that was very interesting. And the screenshots look super retro! :)
by (17,425 points)
Please next time make sure you add the source to your posts, thank you! I added the source for you.
+4 votes
by (1,669 points)
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I was writting an answer to a similar question which was set as a duplicate of this one. Since I believe my answer will contribute to this topic, I will post it here.

This is one of those tricky questions which have different answers depending on how you look at it.

If you look at the current bosses in Tibia, the oldest of them in undoubtedly the Black Knight (BK). The sprites used by BK were first seen in version 5.0 (June 18, 1999), the same update that elarged the map which used to contain only Thais to the entire free account continent. However, it seems black knight's spawn was only added to the game (or made reachable to players) 2 years later with Update 6.2 when Green Claw Swamp was revamped.

However, technically speaking, there were no "boss monsters" back then. So, even though BK was a unique creature only found in a single place on the map, with a slow respawn rate and with unique loot (which later would be dropped by other creatures), it was not an actual boss monster and would not be set as one for many years.

Over a year later, a CipSoft member played a character named Ferumbras - which had its own lore - and basically started to PK people. It had high skills and level for that time, not to mention special spells from a Cip character. Afterwards the devs implemented an actual boss with the same name related to same lore, however this doesn't change the fact that the first Ferumbras was a character, not a monster. Therefore, it should not be considered as the first boss.

Ok, so when the actual first bosses were implemented? That's still not easy to answer. There are traces of the original seven Pharaohs (which, by the way, are not actual pharaohs in the Tibian lore) on what we can call the Summer Update 2004 (7.3). These bosses known as "pharaohs" are similar to the Black Knight, they have a unique spawn place (which looks like a boss room), unique (rare) loot and they even have exclusive outfits. These were also the first creatures to have their name capitalized and to not have an article (a/an) before it. However, the pharaohs were not reachable because their related quest (The Ancient Tombs Quest) was still under development and would only be released to players 4 months later with Ankrahmun's second update, Christmas Update 2004 (7.4).

A curiosity about Update 7.4 is that it brought the Raid System, and one of the original raids was responsible for triggering the spawn of a creature that couldn't be found anywhere else, had a unique outfit and unique rare loot: the Yeti. However, yeti was never technically set as a boss monster, this decision was possibly taken because they can spawn in groups of up to 3 yetis, not making it "unique". Also, here we can find the first traces of Orshabaal which was not seen till the next major update which apparently implemented its raid together with the other 9 bosses' raids.


  • The oldest of the current bosses is the Black Knight which was implemented on version 5.0 and available to players after version 6.2;
  • And the first creatures to be set as boss monsters were the Pharaohs which were possibly implemented on version 7.3 but only made reachable to players on version 7.4.
by (1,669 points)
What respawn has a bunch of black knights? And what are its Bestiary class, occurrence and difficulty?

Regarding Freegoiz, there is no evidence that it existed even on test server.
by (5,327 points)
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there is also possibility that someone at some point decided to "downgrade" status of Black knight and did  "half" job only. That's why it also appears in Library https://www.tibia.com/library/?subtopic=creatures&race=blackknight and in section for regular monsters (not bosses) in kill statistics.
(but then Raging mage and mad mage, wrath of the emperor, Mutated Zalomon, snake thing or Reflection of Obujos are also in regular mobs kill stats which is spawn by trigger or because they are not bringing the loot etc)
by (1,669 points)
As mentioned in the answer, there was no bosses around when black knight was implemented and it was never really set as a boss till it started causing trouble to Cip, like when the devs mistakenly added multiple spawns of BK in one of the Forgotten Knowledge Quest hunting places (this was reported on the Test Server and fixed before the update). Cip realized the uniqueness of BK was similar to the one of a boss and decided to set it as a boss. This is helpful taking into consideration features from the recent years that are supposed to affect ordinary creatures and not bosses, such as Prey Bonus, Bestiary, Prey Hunting Tasks and Boosted Creature. Having BK as a boss automatically excludes it from all of those features. This saves the time one of the devs would take to manually exclude BK from each of those lists.

Why did you say the kill statistics have sections for regular and boss monsters? It just automatically list the creatures whose name's first letter is uppercased. Again, as mentioned in the answer, *the first bosses* were the first creatures to not have an article (a/an), to have capital letters and to not have a plural version of their names. But that's not always the case, especially if we talk about *new bosses*. So the order creatures are listed on kill statistics not necessarily reflect a regular-boss monster division.