+1 vote
by (309 points)
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Heard a lot of rumours about Jakundaf Desert, which is the most controversial one?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,048 points)

The most iconic/controversial to me are two:

  • The single Banshee.gif Banshee room locked in a room with a Magic Forcefield.gif Teleport and a Lever.gif Lever.

Resultado de imagen para Jakundaf Desert, banshee

Source: Tibia Fandom

  • The body in the oasis with Golden Helmet.gif Golden Helmet.

Resultado de imagen para Jakundaf Desert, banshee

by (3,844 points)
I really hope there is at least a story behind it....
by (28 points)
And the rumour of the requeriment of the Boots of Waterwalking for go to the center of the isle (5 sqm's exactly), waterwalkings have 5 charges
by (3,844 points)
I don’t think it will be implemented as a quest but I just wanted to know if there was a story to this desert body and if this golden helmet is true or not
0 votes
by (5,689 points)
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All the stories contained in the books are quite ordinary in my opinion, they arn't drastic but... weird? The most controversial is that there are so many dead bodies in the desert. People in these stories dead in strange conditions, like stepping into their own fireplace or drunk found juice, at the sand of island... This isn't a seemingly scary place, but Desert is surely haunted. 

My fave story is Diary of Morrin. It's little creepy about man who ate roll with ham :D

Here is good article about this https://www.reddit.com/r/TibiaMMO/comments/87062i/old_tibian_mysteries_jakundaf_desert/
