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by (309 points)
What's the best weapon for knights under level 30?
by (1,322 points)
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Edit: I withdraw the answer, apologies, misread the question.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,162 points)
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Best answer

It all depends on your skills, if you have high I prefer to use two-handed weapons, if they are low then one-handed.

Knight Axe (Atk:33, Def:21 +1) minimum 25 lvl
Naginata (Atk:39, Def:25) two-handed minimum 25 lvl

Cowtana(Atk:34, Def:19 +1 def) min 25 lvl
Crystal Sword(Atk:35, Def:26) two-handed min 25 lvl

Diamond Sceptre(Atk:34, Def:18) min 25 lvl
Brutetamer's staff (Atk:35, Def:15) two-handed min 25 lvl

0 votes
by (5,689 points)

according to statistics weapons from Daissy's reply, but my favourite always Serpent Sword [ATK: 18, DEF: 15+1 + 8% earth] <3
