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by (309 points)
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i remember there was a demon spawn in Mintwalliin in the old days

2 Answers

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by (1,582 points)
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According to tibiawiki:

Mintwallin Spawn


The first Demon spawned near present day Mintwallin, south of the current city, and was a lot weaker than today. It disappeared in a 1999 or 2000 update. It was named Daemon and looked a bit different.

This Daemon had 3000 hp and gave 6000 exp. Its sounds were "Your soul will be mine!"; "CHAMEK ATH UTHUL ARAK!"; "I SMELL FEEEEAAAAAR!"; "Your resistance is futile!". It was located on a level above "Cavern City", south of Mintwallin. They were originally pushable and could be trapped by items like Parcels, and Flower Pots. You could kill them around LVL 30. It dropped 0-350 gp, Golden Helmet, Enchanted Plate Armor, Steel Shield, Fire Sword.

Daemon was Inspired in Ultima VII Ethereal Monster.

Demons are brought back to Tibia

Demon (6.0)

When Edron was introduced, the Demons could be found and killed again, this time only for people with a Premium Account. They received a new sprite, similar to the one they currently use.

They had 5500 hitpoints until Update 7.0 when it was changed to 8200 hitpoints.

Source: Tibiawiki

by (17,406 points)
The old Demon Sprites were everything lol
0 votes
by (5,689 points)
Wow, to interesting ones! I love tibian legends and riddles, but I have never heard of it. In fact, there are ten topics on the Tibian pages, but has anyone met him ever? Personally, I haven't. Played since 2006.