+3 votes
by (1,322 points)
Say, how many times per month does this boss respawn, or must the player trigger it somehow? I have been there a few times and haven't found him. I also saw people in the area, most likely waiting for this boss to appear.

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (190 points)
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Best answer
Respaw ranges from 16 to 25 days and you do not have to trigger, just wait!
+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Respawn ranges from 15 to 25 days and I strongly reccomend to not wait for it. Standing +1 lvl above blocks reset floor too! :) If players had situation, when they were standing there and Ocyakao has spawned - it means that reset floor wasn't blocked before. If you stand there few hours, then you can easily block it no matter if you are on level 0 or +1.
by (243 points)
No mate, to be honest im new here, and actually i am learning how You guys work here, sorry if it was something i shouldnt do. I have removed the -1, trying to make it +1 but doesn't work, can't press it idk why :> TBH i am still learning to use this fansite yet ^^ its nothing personal for sure, sorry for minus, will give You + when u give a nice question ^^
by (243 points)
I gave You + and deleted the -, Have fun mate ^^
by (6,736 points)
No problem! Well, what I can say is that when I see some incorrect info (because nobody is perfect and ppl make some mistakes) firstly I comment what should be corrected. If there is no response - then ofc downvote. Better wait with giving downvotes, because it is harmful for ppl who are trying their best and sometimes make mistakes, but there are also people who are here to make some points to get Owl, and they don't care what they write. They just spam :P In this particuar case I'm a little bit more critical.
+1 vote
by (4,162 points)

If you will wait for resp, then you will block the spawn. I prefered to use a levitate in this place:

by (6,736 points)
Standing +1 level above blocks resets of floor too. :>
by (243 points)
Right mate ^^
0 votes
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I know the answers here are really old but I want to give an information I got from my group of boss hunters. One guy from our team camped  (15h/day minimum) the last 5 ocyakaos, and all of them respawned in his face. I know Cipsoft does not show or reveal their patterns of boss spawning or how their behavior can be triggered/affected. but based on my personal huntings, I strongly believe in some bosses the theory of checking like 30/30 min instead of camping is a real good one, but camping another ones doesn't change the fact that the boss will spawn as well (5 ocyakaos in a row in my server I think it's a good proof). Another thing that we observed is that the number of people that go through the boss area or in its surroundings can trigger its appearance somehow (or at least makes it go faster). Ofc this is just my opinion and it's nothing but theories and assumptions... hope one day we can get some official answer from the company themselves or somebody can find the answer.
by (226 points)
I can corroborate this theory. Recently we had an Ocyakao high chance on the last day of its window, so we had about 4 to 8 people permanently camping since server save, all stood on the snow, not levitated. It spawned in our faces, about 8 hours and 10 minutes after server save.
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