+1 vote
by (15 points)
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I used to hunt old fortress for 1,7kk/h with vicious squire exp boost, are there any better spots  i can make more exp/h?

I don't care about profit at all.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)

Try on:

  • Summer Court (Entrace)
  • POI with Dragon Lords
  • Oramond with Glooth Bandits
  • Oramond West without Invasion of Quaras
  • Edron/Grimvaley with Were creatures
  • Banuta -1 with Medusaes, Hydras and Serpent Spawns
  • Zao with Souleaters
  • Yalahar with War Golems
  • Talahu with Medusaes
  • Oramond with Hydras
  • Liberty Bay with Elder Wyrns
  • Zao with Lizzard Chossen
  • Oramond with Minotaurs
  • Kazz with Ravenous Lava Lurkers
0 votes
To start I'd like to say that 1.7kk is probably among highest you'll find at your level range that's relatively save to hunt.

But, you've got glooth bandits which could get you more, 150+ is recommended, need to get 300 voting points for the rathleton quest to hunt there, so you could hunt oramond minos and collect 300*5 roots to get access (using sds on priestesses and mino hunters and avas on blood beasts/mooh'tah warriors gives similar xp/hr, bit more dangerous, but more profitable).

Glooth bandits are good, POI DLs with prey bonus is good

Talahu Medusa/Serpent spawn with sd are good xp and profit I've heard.

Eric/Psykik's youtube channel and the reddit page called "Hunting Places for All Vocations 2.0 are both good resources for finding places to hunt.

Good Luck
0 votes
by (5,070 points)
  1. Edron Heros
  2. Grimvale
  3. Glooth Bandits
  4. Inquisition (spectres + hff)
  5. Souleaters
0 votes
by (173 points)
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Lava lurkers, very very nice xp, but no profit (literally 0 profit, they don't drop anything).

I lvled up there from 130 to 170, I am ED.

If you go there, take care on passing  through lava (they hit you hard) and bring energy ring in case you see lost gnomes passing, cause the "sky must fall" and they hit like 1300, so take care, but after  that's, its  nice for xp, very nice actually...  P.S.: You will need bigfoot burden (WZ) for that.

Another option is Oramond Minos (Go Thais boat, say hi Oramond yes, enter tp and have fun, bring  a lot  of sds, mana leech recommended)