+1 vote
by (56 points)
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 cobra axe!

(Atk: 8 + 44 ice, Def: 29 +2axe fighting +2).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 220 or higher.
It weighs 40.00 ozImbuement Slots: 2
even with all the information that came out of the update, I have a question who will give this axe? that looks so good.heart

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,016 points)

Loot from: 

Scarlett Etzel

She is the leader of the Order of the Cobra and sister of Grand Master Oberon.


Cobra Bastion

Health Health:


Experience Experience:



5× Platinum

Gold Ingot

Yellow Gem

Blue Gem

Red Gem

100× Royal Star

10× Berserk Potion

3× Silver Token

6× Ultimate Spirit Potion

6-20× Ultimate Mana Potion

14× Supreme Health Potion

Energy Bar

Cobra Hood

Cobra Rod

Cobra Sword

Cobra Axe

The Cobra Amulet

Loot from: 


It's an Order of the Cobra boss.


Cobra Bastion

Health Health:


Experience Experience:



Cobra Axe

Both are part of the Grave Danger Quest.

0 votes
by (1,322 points)
It is dropped by Scarlett Etzel, leader of the Order of the Cobra. She is located in the Cobra Bastion.

Looks like a very nice item indeed.
0 votes
by (34 points)
Scarlett  gives the axe and also the  miniboss "Custodian" (miniboss on cobra bastion catacombs), i got 1 from custodian. So i can confirm  it.
by (1,571 points)
Its hard to drop this (and another cobra items) from scarlett and minibosses? chance comparable with falcon items or bigger?