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I am currently leveling my knight and want to know the correct spell rotation, I don´t know if im doing it correctly.

2 Answers

+1 vote
Depends on level, spawn and amount of monsters on the screen. When Im hunting feru dt seal, im using mins mostly, targetting hellflayers, when plague seal in 4 vocs I swap min and mas (more monsters in the range + Chance for charm hit), jugg seal mas (charms) unless 2-3 jugs on me in the line of min, then using min all the time.

My rotation as ek: exori without utito when having 3-5 mobs and others on the way, utito egran - exori - min/mas)
+1 vote
by (5,070 points)

You should rotate only if the hunt requires , if you search on reddit you can find many posts about hotkeys on EKs and how to set everything perfect. For example Reddit EK hotkeys
