+3 votes
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Hello, what's so good about Dark Cathedral? Exp? Loot? I don't seem to understand it. I have 30lvl knight with 51/49 skills, will I do there fine? What should I focus on and what loot should I bring from there? I'm facc and I've not done mailbox quest.

3 Answers

+4 votes
by (7,037 points)
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Dark Cathedral

  • The respaw is big with 3 Floors.

Floor -1

Floor -2

Floor -3

  • Respaw:

Floor -1

Floor -2

But you have low skills, so better wait to level 40 to go to all floors. You can start on the first floor.

+1 vote
by (17 points)
You might be a bit too low level to start hunting in the lower levels of the Cathedral for the actual profit.

There's lots of monks and dark monks who drop Rope belts which are used as imbu items, which means they are worth a bit more.
–1 vote
by (5,070 points)
Just go , do a Test hunt and add to loot list everything you dont want to loot , but if you wanna up lvl faster and get easy profit is better to become premmium, you will enjoy more Tibia.