+1 vote
ago by (15 points) 1 flag
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Will the quests and access remain on the character?

A player mentioned that it won't be possible to become a monk once the character has moved to the main. Is that true?

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2 Answers

0 votes
ago by (7,054 points)
  1. No, when you rook a character you loose all the quest/access.
  2. False, if you rook that character to Danwport and you stay there you can selec the monk as your new vocation without problem (Just dont get lvl 20).
0 votes
ago by (3,845 points)
1. When you rook a character you lose all quests and access but you keep bestiaries, bosstiaries and achievements.

2. Well yes you can’t become a monk in mainland, only in dawnport but you can create a new character to be your monk or rook a lower lvl char if you want to make a few coincident achievements