+1 vote
by (1,503 points)

I've been trying to figure out where to learn Forceful Uppercut, Spiritual Outburst, and Mystic Repulse in the test server. Unlike other spells, these three aren't available from the start of the test, but it’s unclear how to obtain them. I've already tried speaking to Enpa Rudra, but he doesn’t seem to teach them. Does anyone know how to unlock these spells? 

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,973 points)
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During the new quest The Way of the Monk, you need to find 11 Merudri Shrines scattered across the Mainland.

You can learn spells by visiting some of these shrines:

Lvl 30 - Tyrsung - Grants you the Mystic Repulse spell

Lvl 110 - Corruption Hole in Zao - Grants you the Forceful Uppercut spell

For more information about the shrines, I recommend reading:


Spiritual Outburst can be obtained through the Wheel of Destiny (Revelation Perk).
