Adding the complete version:
1 - Lvl 8 - Thais Peninsula, right when you come back from Blue valley. You get the basic lvl 8 boots here;
2- Lvl 20 - South Thais, close to the old minotaur guard boat. Go to the White Flower Temple (For blessings), all way south, cross the river (Going west), and follow it until you see the statue. Requires Parcels/Levitate. You get the weapon for lvl 20 here, Fists of Enlightment;
3 - Lvl 30 - Tyrsung. Go to the island, go up to the Frost Giant mountain, look for some ice walls that can be levitated, close to the stairs. You get a spell (Mystic Repulse, like exori hur) here.
4 - Lvl 40 - Elvenbane. Go to the castle, at main floor, get out of the wall, all way to north-easth then. You get legs of Enlightenment.
5 - Lvl 50 - Maze of Lost Souls. Right at the first room, go to the north level door. A nunchaku of enlightenment will be here.
6 - Lvl 70 - Port hope, near the northern hydras, on the waterfall/pirate quest. You get the conned hat enlightenment (headgear)
7- Lvl 100 - Pits of inferno, on the levers puzzle, close to lever 4. You get Sais of Enlightenment
8 - Lvl 110 - Corruption Hole in Zao - Grants you the Forceful Uppercut spell (Like Exori gran ico, the builder version)
9 - Lvl 150 - Barkless cult cave in Ab'Dendriel - You receive the robe on enlightenment
10 - Lvl 275 - Issavi Gryphon mountains. Nobody got it so far, as monks won't be that level until next week.
11 - The one you got in Dawnport
Also, you get 10% boost in auto attack on shrines between levels 30 and 100, being a total of 50% boost (100% when in serene mode)