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by (1,503 points)

I’ve been progressing through The Way of the Monk and following the Three-Fold Path. According to the quest log:

You have chosen the path of the monk. Find the Blue Valley and visit the Enpa to learn more about the warrior monks and the way of the Merudri. Visit all eleven shrines of the Merudri to complete your pilgrimage on the Three-Fold Path.
Consult Enpa-Deia Pema in the Blue Valley to reveal more about this journey.
Most recent visited Merudri shrine: 2/11

I’m curious—what is the final reward for completing this path? Do we get any unique abilities, monk-exclusive items, or is it more of a lore/cosmetic-based reward? Also, does completing it have any impact on gameplay, or is it just for roleplaying purposes?

by (36 points)
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It varies, each shrine has its own minimum level, and offers its own reward. Also, all of them give exp.

So far:

Lvl 20 - Fists of Enlightenment (Fist weapon)
Lvl 30 - Mystic Repulse (Spell like exori hur, but way stronger, 14 sec cooldown) and 10% boost in auto attacks (20% when serene)
Lvl 40 - Legs on Enlightenment and 10% boost in auto attacks (20% when serene)
Lvl 50 - Nunchaku of Enlightenment and 10% boost in auto attacks (20% when serene)
Lvl 70 - Coned Hat of Enlightenment and 10% boost in auto attacks (20% when serene)
Lvl 100 - Sais of Enlightenment and 10% boost in auto attacks (20% when serene)
Lvl 110 - Forceful Uppercut Spell (Same as Exori Gran Ico, 40 sec cooldown, builder kind - Gives you harmony point)
Lvl 150 - Robe of Enlightenment
Lvl 275 - Next week only, unless someone rushes 125 levels tomorrow (Feb 26th)

So basically yes, it does have great impact in gameplay. Auto attacks become amazing after having shrines.

1 Answer

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by (3,844 points)
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Each shrine of this quest gives you a piece of equipment or a new spell 

Fists of Enlightenment (Fist weapon)

Lvl 30 - Mystic Repulse and 10% boost in auto attacks (20% when serene)

Lvl 40 - Legs on Enlightenment and 10% boost in auto attacks (20% when serene)

Lvl 50 - Nunchaku of Enlightenment and 10% boost in auto attacks (20% when serene)

Lvl 70 - Coned Hat of Enlightenment and 10% boost in auto attacks (20% when serene)

Lvl 100 - Sais of Enlightenment and 10% boost in auto attacks (20% when serene)

Lvl 110 - Forceful Uppercut Spell 

Lvl 150 - Robe of Enlightenment

Lvl 275 - Focus Harmony spell and the achievement “ Hope of Merudri” 

The "Way of the Monk" is not exclusive and can be undertaken by every vocation! However, the specific item rewards are of course exclusive to the monk vocation. - CM Lionet 

Source: https://www.test.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=45122#post45122

ago by (1,503 points)
I really appreciate your effort in trying to answer this question! However, I don't think we can fully answer it just yet, since there are also rewards for other vocations. As someone mentioned in this thread https://www.tibiaqa.com/36979/is-the-achievement-hope-of-the-merudri-obtainable-by-all-vocations , a moderator has stated that there will be different rewards for each vocation. So, until we get more confirmation, it’s still unclear whether the achievement Hope of the Merudri is obtainable by all vocations.
ago by (3,844 points)
The achievement is obtainable to every vocation but the spells and items are exclusive to monks so far