With the new Monk update, we now have the Jo Staff:
Jo Staff (Atk:18, Def:12, Fist Fighting +1)
Augments: Swift Jab → +10% Critical Extra Damage
Classification: 1 Tier: 0
Restrictions: Can only be wielded by Monks
Elemental Bond: Energy
Imbuements: Not possible
What I don’t understand is why a weapon like this exists. It has an augment that gives +10% critical extra damage, but it cannot be imbued. As far as I know, Monks don’t have a passive ability that allows them to land critical hits, so how does this bonus actually work?
Is there something we’re missing in how Monks deal critical damage, or is this just an oversight by the developers? Since this is the first-ever weapon specifically given for Monks, it seems like a pretty basic mistake or a sign that whoever is working on this hasn’t really played Tibia.