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by (58 points)
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Considering the respawn is composed of three variations of new creatures - Gorger Inferniarch, Sineater Inferniarch, and Broodrider Inferniarch - what types of damage are inflicted, their estimated proportions, and the best combination of protections to use?

1 Answer

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by (58 points)

The new hunting area consists of creatures that deal damage in three exclusive types. Since each vocation hunts using different techniques—melee combat, mixed melee and ranged combat, or purely ranged combat—the proportions of damage taken may vary. Vocations that avoid close-range combat are more likely to suffer less physical damage but more elemental damage from long-range spells.

Below are the types of damage, their estimated proportions for a Knight not using any specific protections, and the suggested order of prioritization for defensive measures:

  • Physical damage: ~54%
  • Death damage: ~34%
  • Fire damage: ~12%

Suggested Protections:

In this scenario, it is recommended to choose equipment, protection gems, and imbuements in the following priority order:

  1. Protection against physical damage:

    • Exclusively obtained through equipment.
  2. Protection against death damage:

    • Acquired through equipment such as Soul Bastion, Sanguine Legs, and Moon Mirror, as well as imbuements on armor.
  3. Protection against fire damage:

    • Available only through gems from the Wheel of Destiny.

Emergency Situations:

For critical moments, the combination of a Stone Skin Amulet and a Might Ring is highly effective, providing broad defense against the listed damage types. However, players should be mindful of the high consumption rate of the amulet due to the density of creatures and the volume of simultaneous attacks. Using a Gill Necklace for physical damage protection may offer greater durability during prolonged crises.
