+2 votes
by (15 points)
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There are many places in Tibia:

  • Beaches with somewhat low respawn.
  • Small rivers.
  • Large seas.

But, there are too many places, instead, there must be certain secret places with lots of fish...

It would be very helpful to know which ones they are.

by (15 points)
Answers by Bitencourt:
* Thais: Peninsulas (Thais Surroundings).
* Carlin: Ice islands (Folda, Senja and Vega)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (620 points)
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In my opinion, you should always prioritize looking for environments with a good view of the water. You can migrate between peninsulas (Thais Surroundings) or try to do this on islands.

An example would be the 3 ice islands (Folda, Senja and Vega), you can create a cycle of using sqms of water on these 3 islands, giving enough time (30 minutes) for each water floor to renew the possibilities of fishing and training your fishing. Remember that fishing in a protection zone doesn't work, your skill won't go up and you won't get any fish.