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by (29 points)
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I am 600 level ek with 128 base club skills. I have BIS items without any tiers on gear. I got 3kk money on bank. My question is where should I hunt? Is nagas or Kilmaresh catacombs best place for me to exp? I am not fun of team hunts. Suggestions welcome.
Kind Regards.

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by (538 points)

As an EK 818 I will give my point of view where you can to try:

Considering your best weapons (Soulmaimer, Sanguine Bludgeon, Eldritch Warmace, Sanguine Cudgel), you can to hunt on some places like:

- [Soulmaimer] -

  • Ferumbras Plague Seal (not the best on experience at this level)
  • Upper Roshamuul (caution, maybe not the best experience at this level)
  • Roshamuul Prison -3 (with some caution)

- [Sanguine Bludgeon] -

  • Nagas
  • Bulltaurs (caution with this, not the best experience at this level)

- [Eldritch Warmace] -

  • Lost Souls Jakundaff Desert (Flimsy), with some caution.

- [Sanguine Cudgel] -

  • Kilmaresh Catacombs (Sphinx + Crypt)

Please consider that as I'm a sword Knight, I don't have too much experience with the club limitations on hunts.
