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by (1,212 points)
What achivements I can get related to soul cores. Like killing, merging, etc.Please answer the achievement and how to get it.

1 Answer

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by (1,874 points)
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So far, the only achievement discovered related to the Soulpit is the Soul Crusher. It is obtained by unlocking Animus Mastery for at least one creature in each bestiary category in the Soulpit.

There is an achievement from the latest update that there is still no information on how to obtain. When it is discovered, I will edit my answer if it is related to the Soulpit.

Source: TibiaWiki.

by (1,212 points)
How do you know about the undiscovered achivement?? I always heard about that but i have no idea how we know it lol
by (1,874 points)
On the achievements page of the official website, you can see the number of secret achievements. Two were added in the last update, and only one has been discovered so far.

In addition, I think it is also possible to find a list with the IDs of all achievements in the game files, but I don't know the details. Apparently the achievement that is missing has the ID 551.
by (1,212 points)
Didn't know that info. Thank you :)