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Considering the mechanic that the previous dragon inherits its feature to the next one, what should be the best order to kill all of them?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,525 points)

My team and I also tested many different combinations, the following is our preference (and also similar to Raven's answer):

  1. Greedok: for the simple fact it heals from death damage, so killing it first will make mages' lives easier
  2. Crultor: root is not really a dangerous mechanic in this fight so we can kill this one early on
  3. Vengar: similarly to root, fear is not a big deal; just make sure to bomb yourself
  4. Maliz: dangerous chain damage but also manageable if everyone stands far away from the blocker
  5. Despor: skill debuff will decrease damage done by the blocker, so having this one triggered later in the fight is a good idea
  6. Bruton: high healing, very important to be at the end of the list
  7. Vilear: strong mana drain, if killed earlier in the fight it will make every single dragon annoying to kill
I highlighted above in bold the dragons I consider most important to be done in the correct order. Other dragons can be swapped as you and your team prefer, no huge differences.
+1 vote
by (1,358 points)
I believe the best order depends on your team's formation.

As you said, each dragon has a special feature:

Maliz: Chain damage

Vengar: Fear

Bruton: High self-healing

Greedok: Intense hex

Vilear: High mana drain

Crultor: Root

Despor: Skill debuff

Since dragons inherit the special feature of those that have already been killed, I recommend that you leave the ones that bother your team the most for last.

For my team, for example, Bruton's self-healing and Vilear's mana drain are the most annoying, so they are always the last ones to be killed.

This is the order that my team kills:

Maliz - Crultor - Vengar - Greedok - Despor - Bruton - Vilear

We tested different orders and this is one that worked very well for us. But as I said, each team will have its own preferences. I recommend that you try a few different ones until you find the best one for your team.