0 votes
by (1,874 points)
What do I need to do to get the Rootwalker Outfit? Is any quest necessary? How can I get the addons?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (725 points)

To unlock the entire rootwalker outfits, there are three requirements.

Base outfits- Complete the Podzilla Quest by defeating the Rootkraken and reporting back to Two Lips.

Addon 1- Use a Strange Inedible Fruit

Addon 2- Use a Petrified Leaf

Unfortunately, the wiki isn't updated with where the two items drop. If I had to guess, it'd be from the Rootkraken, hopefully someone who's looted one or both can provide some further information for us.

0 votes
by (1,874 points)
Best answer
Rootwalker Outfit: Obtained by completing The Rise of Podzilla Quest. After killing the boss The Rootkraken, just talk to NPC Two Lips to receive the outfit.

Addon 1: Obtained by using a Strange Inedible Fruit, which can be dropped by the boss The Rootkraken.

Addon 2: Obtained by using a Petrified Leaf. When you deliver 20 Processed Blue Tea Leaves to the NPC Petaloid, you will receive the Petrified Leaf or Podzilla's Finest. It's based on luck. Keep delivering the leaves until you get the addon item. Processed Blue Tea Leaves can be collected on the floor of Podzilla Bottom.