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by (12 points)
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Hello, I would like to ask what skill wheel do you recommend for Druid from lvl 650 - 800.

1 Answer

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Having a Druid 650 I would focus on the following sets. (But that's just my point of view) 

DRUID 650: https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=wheelofdestinyplanner&code=D0Y2BAAUbeYBKMvVOAVAqQ-I8EAA

DRUID 750: https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=wheelofdestinyplanner&code=D0Y2BAAUbeDEYMIMSQwuCdAqKAxH8kAAA

DRUID 800: https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=wheelofdestinyplanner&code=D0Y2BAAUbeDClAEshKYfBOAVFA4j8SAA and https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=wheelofdestinyplanner&code=D0Y2BAACMwSmEwApIMKd7eKSAKiP8jAQA

Have in consideration that I wouldn't focus on healing increase as a 600+ could be soloing easily with no external help. BUT THAT'S JUST MY POINT OF VIEW. 

by (17,406 points)
Oh boy see when the skill wheel came out I was retired so this looks pretty complicated to me to understand.
by (2,564 points)
I modified your answer to include direct links to Tibia's Wheel of Destiny planner - hope that's OK