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by (11 points)
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level 50 + for those who want to play solo, and who don't have much game time. I know some. but not many. I hope to know much more.
by (17,410 points)
So are you hunting solo as a mage on both a sorcerer and druid? Do you want experience or profit or both? Does this help? https://www.tibiaqa.com/246/what-are-the-best-places-to-hunt-solo-as-a-ms-level-50-for-profit-and-waste

1 Answer

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by (16 points)
I'm a ED 170 and a few weeks ago, when I'm at LV 50 my hunting place até:

Mother Scarab Lair: with Great Fire Bomb runes

Yalahar Magician Quarter: All cultists, with thunderstorm rune

Wyrm and Wyvern with Sudden Death