In 100% depends on what you are looking for, like you can decide to leave or to fight back. Taking this decision keep in mind this:
If you leave, no matter what kind of server is, you are giving the message that they can kick you so you will probably receive more annoying players. So my recomendation is, no matter what you do, don't leave the spawn.
Let's talk about different situations.
1. Heavy lure on you from another player - In No-PvP servers you need to judge if you can handle the lure, if you can, kill the spawn. If you can't, try using magic walls to block the monsters and kill the resp. This Magic Wall strategy is also great in PvP worlds cause you will also block the player and they could trap theirselves.
2. KS - In this case on both server types, the strategy is simple: Ignore the player/s that, keep doing the same pulls and don't answer messages. You may be asking, why should I keep the same pulls? Because if you don't care they will get bored, if you try to change your pulls, etc, they will have fun so they won't leave.
3. PK on you - If you are team hunting as a druid make sure to set your white hand mode and to avoid accidents, do not use exura gran mas res. In this situation, as a druid you will find yourself with a character mwalling you to trap you and kill your knight so you must move constantly. As any other vocation, just keep hunting, and try to not get trapped my mwalls.
That's all my recommendations based on my experience.