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by (126 points)
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Recently, soul items have dropped in price. They are a guaranteed item for everyone who completes the quest. And there is also a very rare chance to loot them on bosses or hunting.

However, soulwalkers are too expensive an item, why doesn't their price go down? And are they worth buying? Are they worth their price?

 You see a pair of soulwalkers (Arm:4, sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1, speed +15, protection physical +7%, fire +5%).

Imbuements: (Empty Slot).

It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 400 or higher.

It weighs 13.00 oz.

1 Answer

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by (282 points)
I don't know what price they have on your server, but I can tell you that they are the best boots for ek. Maybe they have crazy price on your server, check prices in antica always.

Still give them some time, all these items are coming down in price, although some are taking more time.

Magma rings are coming down in price from what I'm seeing, so give a bit more time maybe
by (126 points)
more than 150kks, so imo they are expensive for what they offer. Is just that other items are cheaper nowadays, but the boots are still expensive. In comparison, soulstalkers price varies from 130 to 150kks.