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by (5,318 points)
How can I actually reach the Gate of Expertise for 9999 level? Do I need any quests to be completed to reach that place, if yes, which ones?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (781 points)
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Best answer

At this point there is very limited information behind the level 9999 door, however we do know that you have to start the 20 Years a Cook Quest in order to see the door. With that being said, its location can be found in Venore through the ominous trashcan found here:

Once through the ominous trashcan, you can walk to the northwest in the room and the door will be visible. If you are not the required level to enter and try to do so, the door will say to you "Only the worthy may pass."

0 votes
by (3,816 points)
You need to start the 20 years a cook quest to reach the door… It is located in the Venore’s dumpster inside the Omnious Trashcan in the east..