+2 votes
by (1,205 points)
When I received my Mysterious Metal Egg from the Opticording Sphere quest, I couldn't open it. I repeated parts of the quest to see if I missed anything and nothing worked but I was able to progress the the questline without opening so it wasn't a huge issue. A few months passed and I tried using the egg again and still nothing happened. I want to say over a year later, I used the egg and it finally opened. I couldn't even tell what changed since so much time has passed.

My question is, did anyone else have issues opening the egg?

Were you eventually able to get it open? And what changed so that you were able to open it?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (5,070 points)

Once you get the mysterious metal egg you can click on it to open and get the Opticompass Sphere and a Rolled-up Parchment.
Thats how it works, maybe you had to different eggs and you tried to open one of another player.

by (1,205 points)
It was definitely my egg that I tried to open. I picked up the egg on my character while doing the quest and it was the only one and still is the only one I have in my possession.