+4 votes
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Hi, I want to hunt RP "from zero to hero".

Have some cash and good skills (96/90) and eq.

What is the best way to lvl from 26 to 100, 200?

Want to play chill, not hard and a lot of power gaming.
by (2,564 points)
This question is quite broad. You would receive better answers if it was aiming at a specific level range.
Can you please add:
- Is it solo or team hunts you looking for?
- "Some cash"- approximate amount. "Some cash" for one person will mean 2k, for another 9kk.

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (23 points)

First levels, grab some burst arrows, and try killing 160~monsters in bulk.

At 40 lvl swap into onyx arrows, and chill while killing dragons, or something.

"Want to play chill, not hard and a lot of power gaming." If you want chill, take some tasks, it takes more time to get level's, but the pleasure from counting monsters is rewarding.

At 70 lvl, I'd recomennd hunting at feyrist surface, pretty chilling, high rewarding place.

At 90 lvl, oramond calls you with hordes of minotaurs to slay.

Then add another question :D

+1 vote
by (17 points)

"Want to play chill, not hard and a lot of power gaming."

Get all the Grizzly Adams Tasks, and i mean each and every one of them, until level 80

Maybe you know this, but in case you don't: every rank in that mission has a limit to get "task points" and once you get the max. amount for your level you will start receiving "boss points" until you get to the next rank, in your case you can only do 20 task points under lvl50, once you pass those 20pts you will start gaining points that you can exchange for any boss you choose every time you finish a task, but don't waste them yet. At lvl 50-80 you can only get up to 40 task points and you won't be able to advance in rank or ask for tasks until you spend all of your boss points. At this point its better to save them and hunt without tasking, because if you only leveled doing tasks you will have 15-19 boss points that are better to spend once you get lvl 130+ with bosses like The Many or Ethershreck (i killed 17 the manies and ended up with 2kk of profit)

At level 70-90 you can hunt giant spiders (port hope), wyrms (liberty bay), high class lizards (mugy plains), Frost Dragons (okolnir)

At 90-130 Lizard Chosen, Feyrist, Oramond minos, Vampire Crypt (edron)

At 130-180 Dragon lords (using firewalker boots, either in PoI or Fenrock), Grim Reapers (Drefia), Ghastly Dragons, Roshamuul Bridge, Medusae and Serpent spawn (medusa cave)

At 180-230 Roshamuul Depot (with bolts)t Lower Roshamuul (with bolts), Lizard chosen (with diamond arrows), 

At ~250+:

With diamond arrows: Feyrist (kroazur cave), Glooth Bandits (Oramond), Lower Roshamuul, Oramond West (when its raided by quaras), Minotaur cultists, team hunts

With Bolts: Ferumbras Ascension entrance, MoTA extension entrance, Demon task, bosses

+1 vote
by (28 points)
It's great to play with a paladin, I even become suspicious because I'm my favorite class. well i'm exactly doing what you want to know in your question my character is called Spaceship in Serdebra. Anyway without any trouble ... as you do not want to do power xp or loot the ideal way to develop with the character will be the only attack (in this case without using a burst arrow up to 150) right? then I will send you the equipment I chose and why. First of all you don't need to imbue your items since the character development will be fast and the exchange will be constant for equipment so just use imbuition if you find that it is extremely important and the potions do not satisfy you ok?

lvl 8-25

use as an attack weapon Throwing Star (25atk and sold in specialized paladin stores) is lighter than going around carrying spears and you will stay longer in the hunt compared to carrying arrows and bow. If you have the Viper Star available (28atk does not sell in the store) there is little stronger than anything relevant. Of course, use a shield preferably one that does not consume as much capacity, for example a demon shield is great for lowlvl characters.

Regarding the other equipment, let's see what will be said from this level onwards, ok? we will choose equipment that preserves our capacity.

helmet: Wood Cape 3 def 11cap 0slot 1dist 4% earth;

boots: boh (+20 speed);

armor: blue robe (do not use paladin armor at this level is very heavy);

legs: Wereboar Loincloth

necklace: dragon necklace (*)

lvl 25-42 uses royal spear

lvl 42-50 uses enchanted spear

lvl 50 your equipment can be upgraded by replacing the blue robe with a paladin armor. There is no need to change the other equipment as you will hunt using basically bombs and walls.

lvl 50-80 exchange the enchanted spear for a Composite Hornbow 3atak + 2hitchance using Onyx Arrow

lvl 80-120 for those who have money buy a Warsinger Bow (3 + 5) and for those without money wait lvl 90 and buy a Crystal Crossbow (4 + 3). With warsing bow uses Crystalline Arrow 65 atk = 68 + 5% hitchance with crystal crossbow uses Prismatic Bolt 66 atk = 70 + 3% hit chance and lvl 110 starts using infernal 72 getting 76 atak. Neses lvl you change your legs and start using a yalahari leg piece

lvl 120-150 Rift Crossbow 5atak + 4hitchance usa infernal = 77 atk

do not buy Umbral Crossbow because of +1 atak in purchase because there is only 2% hit chance. CB misses a lot of attack in nature compared to the bow. The rift bow is 5 + 3hitchanc but with infrnal bolt the CB is better with a difference of 7 attack. In this level you will be able to help your character's defense using zaoan helmet / legs, werewolf amulet and guardian boots these items are necessary to suit your hunt


now in relation to hunting:

lvl 8-20 (using steath ring):

minotaur yalahar, minotaur darashia, poh venore

lvl 20-30 (*) (using dragon neckleace):

yalahar dragons, ancient venorian dragons cave

lvl 30-45

I advise killing creatures that die quickly and give a relatively good xp for their level of difficulty for example Coryns that exist in great quantity in venore and in port hope die easy and dao xp and lot

lvl 45-60 (using fire walls)

ancient scarabs ankrahmun (loot is good), bonebeast hero fortress edron (loot is not good)

lvl 60-80

I will advise you to take a look at this video on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5lOWdjc63M if you prefer the video name is called "[Tibia Onde Upar - RP 60+] Werebadgers Hunt in Grimvale -1 PROFIT (220-270k / hr @ lvl 60 82 Dist) "

or if you prefer you can also hunt for crystal spiders in svargrond. Both hunts are really fun and give a lot of money

lvl 80-120

here you will no longer use bombs and walls you will hunt:

dragon lords in darashia or pits of hell quest

lvl 120-150 (using fire walls)

grim repears in yalahar or in drefia


anyway ... from lvl 150 hunts are more fun using diamound arrows, but if you still want to hunt with unique attacks you can go to the ghastly dragons in Zao using fires walls and making lots of money with little investment. If it is a case of hunting ghastly dragons, combine equipment that gives you distance skills and death defense. For each type of game style the hunts change and the investment is different, Tibia does not have a rule of where it is better or worse everything depends on your composition and what you intend to do. These are my equipment and hunting grounds that I have analyzed and use today. good game
edited by
Damn, you give out some good advice. However, you
should fix your spelling as it's hard to understand.
+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
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I'd suggest the following equipment to start: Zaoan Legs, Paladin Armor, Wood Cape, Boots of Haste, Platinum Amulet, Demon Shield, with Royal Spears)

Levels 26-40 Quaras in Liberty Bay, Apes, Tarantulas, Cyclopolis in Edron with stealth ring, Cyclop caves in Yalahar/Mistrock.

If you're playing an old server then usually Icicle Bows are cheap, buy one. If Icicles Bows aren't cheap just buy an Elvish Bow.

At level 50 change to Composite Hornbow with onyx arrows.

Levels 41-60 Cults in Ankrahmun or Cults in Yalahar will make you really good profit with rope belts!

Levels 60-80 Vampires in Edron with GFB/Mas San Shield/Enchant Spear will give really high experience. Vampires can also be good profit too if the price of vampire teeth is high on your server. giant spider task in goroma, undead island in goroma are good options too

Level 70 you can get Guardian boots

Level 75 Gearwheel Chain

Level 80 you can do POI and Yalahar Legs

Levels 80-90 Frost Dragons with Assassin Stars just avoid waves

Level 90 Crystalline Arrows

Level 100 Master Archer Armor and Elite Draken Helmet

Levels 90-105 you can keep hunting Frost Dragons, Dragon Lords, or Lizard in Zao Steppe

Level 105 Mycological bow. Minotaurs in Oramond, Putrid Mummies using Walls, Dragon Lords, Frost Dragons still a good option as well

Level 150 Diamond Arrows are available you can do Glooth Tower or Mino Cults are a good option to level

0 votes
by (5,070 points)
You have this guide to level from 0-100 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JZiXYgD_y4

Hope its helpful for you
by (17,406 points)
Would be helpful to add what the link includes so we don't have to watch it.
0 votes
by (54 points)
Well, I have a a rp low level, the best place I hunt is wyrm in Liberty bay. You can hunt there still lvl 120, and after that you can go Chosen, is very good, and you can get exp and money.
0 votes
by (16 points)
As a RP 300+, all I can say is that you should start growing with team hunts.

Paladins can do solo hunts, but the best way to farm charms and lvl up faster at mid levels and high levels are in team.

Keep that in mind, trust me!

Nowadays mages can power-game levels faster and alone than anybody else.