+1 vote
by (284 points)
Having in mind that wands/rods (specially at high levels) consume a lot of mana and have a fixed amount of damage that won't increase is there a moment where is better hunt just with "exoris" or is better carry a wand? And why?

If it's better not carry a wand when you should stop using one?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (464 points)

Hello friend, you are little wrong. 

The only moment its worth to unequip your weapon is when u finish your hunt and you dont want to lose imbues xDDDD

Its true that our weapons (wands and rods) have super low damage, but u have to take in consideration 3 stuff:

1 - You always can trigger your charm with your autoatack (or basic atack) - Imagine hitting for 100 hp to branchy crawler (27k hp - Curse charm).

          5% of 27.000 is 1350 // Branchy Crawler takes 115% of death damage - TOTAL DAMAGE 1.552  + autoatack damage (between 80 and 120)

2 - Every single hit for your weapons will trigger your imbues, its a good way to optimice your hunts, getting some extra mana and life lich. 

3 - Thats a personal tip, but after tibia added music to the game, u can use this "autoatack sounds" as a "timer". For example as druid, autoatack have 2 seconds, exactly the same than exura gran mas res, then every hit on rod, means i have to use exura gran mas res. 

But this can work for all rotation, im waiting for this sounds to start - potion heal potion heal atack utility

I understand this can be little crazy but after some months of practique now i can "play without looking" cause i only have to hear this autoatack then starts with the rotation.

I hope i helped you with my answer!
Grettings Gleemody

by (464 points)
I want to add a new point cause i was thinking on it this night!

In point 2, your imbues will trigger (mana and hp)


if you dont have equipped your weapon u will lose your critical chance too <3
0 votes
by (13 points)
Sometimes you might want to swap the wand/rod for a melee weapon, when what is available at your level isn't that good and lack imbuement slots.

If you're hunting bosses and is waiting for people to share the kill, might not want to have a weapon equipped as well. :)
0 votes
by (80 points)
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At higher level, apart from killing the bosses with certail protections combined with healing abilities (Zelos and death dmg for example) it's always better to use wand/rod. The benefit is of course in mlvl, protection and imbu.
You don't have to keep the monsters selected.