+3 votes
by (782 points)
While gaining access to the bosses in Rotten Blood, what are all the ways a players can increase their rotten charges in each of the spawns?

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by (233 points)
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There is 4 spawns with 4 bosses. On each spawn you get charges by killing monsters and every spawn have also extra mechanic to make your charges increase. Mechanic is almost similar on every spawn:

Jaded Roots - leads to the boss Murcion

  • Using  Organic Acid on Small Spore Reservoirs for 1 Rotten Charge (-20 seconds for the boss access) 
  • Using a Spore Reservoir (white dot on the map) for 15 Rotten Charges (-5 minutes for the boss access) 

Putrefactory - leads to the boss Ichgahal

  • Using Lichen Gobbler on specific tiles in the lower floor of the hunting area for 1 Rotten Charge (-20 seconds for the boss access)

  • Using a Large Spore Reservoir (white dot on the map) for 15 Rotten Charges (-5 minutes for the boss access)


Gloom Pillars leads to the boss Chagorz

  • Using Darklight Obsidian Axe on Basalt Pillar. Each use give you 3 charges.
  • Using a Darklight Obelisk (white dot on the map) for 15 Rotten Charges (-5 minutes for the boss access)

Darklight Core - leads to the boss Vemiath

  • Using  Unstable Darklight MatterorYellow Darklight Matter  on Darklight Pore.The life of the yellow version will give 3 points, the unstable version 1 point.
  • Using an Darklight Obelisk(white dot on the map) for 15 Rotten Charges (-5 minutes for the boss access)

Source: Tibiopedia - link
