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Hi guys.

I just made first mission in Liquid Black Quest because wanted access to the Deathlings (Liquid Death Quest), but somehow in Liquid Black Quest I see started mission called Dark Disintegration. Anyone know why this mission is started in my quest log? According to wikia, it is first stage task, but wonder how it started without my ingerention.

1 Answer

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by (0 points)

Well, sounds like you finish The First Visitor part my friend. 

Dark Disintegration is an "item" part available during first stage 

Heart of the Sea

Note: This mission is not required to advance to stage 2 or obtain the outfit or its addons. You may want to do this mission for the chance of obtaining a True Heart of the Sea and some other minor rewards. Otherwise, there is nothing to be gained from doing it. You can repeat this mission each time the Deeplings revert to stage 1. Keep in mind that you need to do this mission 5 times to receive any reward.

In order to please Qjell you must sacrifice Hearts of the Sea to replace the original, which was lost a long time ago. From Gray Beach go through the teleport to Fiehonja to arrive near the Qjell statue. West-southwest from the Qjell statue you will find a ramp leading below. Go down and follow the cave north-west. Along the path you will find a Strong Water Vortex which you will need to use later. For now, go south-west from the vortex through the small crevice. It will have a Warning Sign by the entrance. Follow the cave through the thin passage until you arrive at a ramp leading up. The crystal mine can be found up this ramp.


The crystal mine has 3 floors with a lot of Large Red Crystals. You shouldn't need to go far from the start. You must use a Pick (or equivalent) on the Large Red Crystals. When you do so, one of these will occur:

 Nothing will happen.

You gathered nothing more than some small chips of red gem.

 A Deepling Guard will spawn.

Suddenly a guard jumps at you from behind!

 You will obtain a Rough Red Gem.

With considerable effort you manage to knock a largely unscathed rough gem out of the rocks.

In either case you will be unable to mine for 30 seconds. Continue mining until you have obtained a Rough Red Gem. When you have mined a Rough Red Gem you will be unable to mine another until you cut and offer the one you have mined, or after a certain period of time passes (possibly 24 hours).

With the Rough Red Gem, go back the way you came and stop near the Warning Sign. There is a Strong Water Vortex nearby. Use the Rough Red Gem on the Strong Water Vortex to craft a Heart of the Sea. Now continue on your way back to the Qjell statue. Use the Heart of the Sea, from a distance, on the statue's gem slot on its head. It may take a few tries to hit the correct spot.

Repeat this mission 5 times to be eligible for a reward in the Stage 2 library. When the server contributes a combined total of 100 Hearts, a big red glowing gem will appear in the slot. No more gems can be mined until next Stage 1 when this occurs. Note again that delivering 100 offers no additional reward, and is not required to progress to the next stage—it is only there for flavor.
