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by (16 points)
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I don't know anything about bosses from The Hive undergrounds. I've already killed around 5000 Hive Overseers and haven't noticed anything about their respawn... Does anyone have a clue about it? xD
by (2,426 points)
What bosses do you mean? The Bane bosses at the main Hive construction or the Nemesis bosses at the Hive Outpost?
by (16 points)
The main Hive construction, at Gray Island

1 Answer

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by (1,208 points)
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When I was charming Hive Overseers this is what I did and it works 80% of times. 

  • Do your normal hunt at Hive Underground for 25-30mins. 
  • Get out of the resp (Go to the city) for 5 mins. 
  • Return to the resp and check all bosses.
  • Repeat, repeat repeat.

With luck, everytime you return you will find 2 bosses.

I've never found more than 2 bosses alive, i think that's impossible. 

by (17,406 points)
I used to hunt there for hours and now your making me realize if you leave and come back (the map respawn maybe?) usually a boss would spawn. I would find more than 2 bosses spawned at once at times when I would check without hunting but not using your trick I think. (it's been years though)
by (1,208 points)
I'm not sure about the reason, maybe boss respawn is a blockable spawn.  
Of course forgot to mention that my "trick" is quite recent, we used it to fill our bosstiary.