0 votes
by (23 points)
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After killing the Ancient Spawn of Morgathla, there are 3 reward rooms:

Room 1: most players will be teleported there

Room 2: only 3 players will reach there

Room 3: only 1 player will reach there

The loot value of all of those chests in those 3 rooms are quite low. How is it decided? The player the has done the most damaged goes to the "best" room? Or is it random? Or based on who reaches the teleport first?


In this video, Lee Kun reaches room 2 (look in the minimap, it's the middle room): https://youtu.be/32vZzXV5qLE?t=881

And in this video, Gaspar reaches room 1: https://youtu.be/GWhZrsJfFrQ?t=804
by (10 points)
I killed that boss there are 3 rooms and only one room reward a bag and the achievement for killing him
by (23 points)
No, all rooms have a chest with a low value reward and the achievement. At least room 1 and 2, which I saw videos on youtube.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (452 points)
There are three different reward rooms and it is unknown if it works randomly or if it is triggered by a special condition, but the three rewards are:

Left room: Most of the team will be sent to this room. The rewards are: a Bag with 5 Platinum Coins, 1 Gnomish Supply Package, 1 Rusted Armor and 1 Piggy Bank.

Center room: Three players will be sent here. The rewards are: a Bag with 50 Platinum Coins, 2 Gnomish Supply Package, 1 Slightly Rusted Armor and 1 Piggy Bank.

Right room: One player will be sent here. The rewards are: a Bag with 2 Crystal Coins, 4 Gnomish Supply Package, 1 Slightly Rusted Armor, 1 Slightly Rusted Legs and 1 Piggy Bank.

0 votes
by (464 points)
Hello Employer Optimal,

As Tefroq answered you, you only have 1 reward in all the boss.

Dropped after killing all this 3 rooms,
Anyway if u have the items for summon this boss u can do it many times with only 15minutes cooldown.

The real problem for summon this boss is the expensive price of the summoning items!

Gretings Gleemody
by (23 points)
"you only have 1 reward in all the boss" - do you mean that you will me teletransported to the reward room just in the first kill? Have you done this boss 2 times? Another thing: the 3 rooms that I'm talking about are the reward rooms and not the 4 fight rooms. I've edited my question to add videos to show what I'm saying.