I was looking for fiendish monsters and the exiva took me to Beregar (Hidden City of Beregar), so I was in this exact position and the exiva said "To the west", What means the monster is in the same level as I am, and it is close to me.

In my in-game maps, i don't have any Isle nor cave in that location so I checked the map on the fansite dedicated to it, tibiamaps, and there is absolutely no isle there.

The lines show my exact position.
Also i went to that ice islands that you can see full west of this screenshot and standing there, the exiva said "Far to the east" So the only thing i can imagine is that there might be an Isle/cave/anything at the ? symbol.
If anyone has something in their maps in that location, please answer with a screenshot of your map.
Here is another screenshot marking my position to make it easier to identify. This is -1 of my position.