+2 votes
by (1,212 points)

I was looking for fiendish monsters and the exiva took me to Beregar (Hidden City of Beregar), so I was in this exact position and the exiva said "To the west", What means the monster is in the same level as I am, and it is close to me. 

In my in-game maps, i don't have any Isle nor cave in that location so I checked the map on the fansite dedicated to it, tibiamaps, and there is absolutely no isle there. 

The lines show my exact position.

Also i went to that ice islands that you can see full west of this screenshot and standing there, the exiva said "Far to the east" So the only thing i can imagine is that there might be an Isle/cave/anything at the ? symbol.

If anyone has something in their maps in that location, please answer with a screenshot of your map. 

Here is another screenshot marking my position to make it easier to identify. This is -1 of my position.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (2,217 points)
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The answer to your question is: Yes. there is a some location. It can be seen by standing a few SQMs next to the stairs where you took the screenshot.

Unfortunately, it is not clear how to get there. Probably it is an inaccessible location. The reason this location is not visible on TibiaMaps is because no player has ever been there. There are many more such hidden locations in Beregar where it is not clear how to reach them.
