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by (13 points)
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Is it worth imbuing Falcon Longsword in death damage to hunt Crypt Wardens and Sphinxes if Soulcutter is not available?

1 Answer

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by (1,582 points)
In my opinion is not worth, imbue give u only 50% dmg convertion to death and u lose one slot, much better choice is soulshredder or even winterblade because ice dmg is pretty good too and u have aditional protection from shield and dont waste slot for death dmg imbuing.
Yes but if he is hunting 3+ more monsters at a time the shield wont matter, I'd do it
by (1,582 points)
Shield matters regardless of the number of monsters. it's kind of a myth that if you have more than 3 monsters the shield is irrelevant, of course the shield only blocks 2 creatures but more importantly it has both physical and elemental resistances (passive or imbu). Of course, if it's leveled high enough (above the standard level for crypt hunting) you can use 2-handed weapons, but the creatures hit so much that in my opinion, a few more attacks are not worth sacrificing the shield protection.